Lemon Brioche

2 ½ tsp. active dry yeast
2 ¼ c. unbleached flour
½ c. milk
6 T. butter or margarine
¼ c. sugar
¼ tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 T. grated lemon peel, divided
2 T. butter or margarine, softened
¼ c. sugar

Combine yeast and 1 c. flour.  Heat together milk, the 6 T. of butter or margarine, the first ¼ c. sugar and the salt just till warm, stirring to melt butter.  Add to dry ingredients in bowl; add eggs and the 2 tsp. lemon peel.  Beat at low speed of mixer for ½ minute, scraping bowl constantly.  Beat 3 minutes at high speed.  Stir in enough remaining flour to make moderately stiff dough.  Cover; chill 2 to 3 hours.  Roll half the dough into a 12’ x 7’ rectangle.  Spread with half the remaining butter.  Combine remaining sugar and the lemon peel; sprinkle half over rectangle.  Roll up jelly-roll fashion, staring with long side; cut into 12 pieces.  Repeat with remaining dough.  Place slices, cut side down, on greased baking sheet; let rise for 30 to 35 mins.  Bake in 375 degree over for 12 to 15 minutes.  Makes two dozen rolls.
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